Monday, February 14, 2011

Hello from an "undisclosed location" in Southwest Asia

Well, I finally made it in. Arrived at about 130am local time today and was able to get through the customs/inprocessing process pretty quickly. My "people" here took good care of me and made sure I have my own room and am not living in a tent. I'll post some pictures of the area around where I work and live but I am having issues uploading photos so they'll have to wait for now.

The weather is actually quite nice. Upper 50's and breezy at night and in the 70's (and breezy) in the day. Hopefully I'll be on my way home before the real heat starts to ratchet up. The base hit 140 degrees with about 90% humidity over the thanks. That's all for now. Off to the gym....

1 comment:

Karen said...

So,so glad you made it fine. I miss you already!! Got my service banner hanging proudly in my window and have another on my lapel. Will display both proudly until you come home. Off to Reno early tomorrow morning. I have NO internet service at home...the modem is shot so until AT&T sends me another, I'm not able to Skype. But I get my emails on both phones. Hope you get settled in soon and that your guys take good care of you. I love you, Chris. KISS!! Happy Valentine's Day!