... missing from the blog world yes, but busy and happy more importantly. It has been a long summer, mostly filled with sun and laughter by a pool, or on a beach, at the lake and among family. We are blessed and really taking it in. I have so many photos to edit and share with you all, but the most important thing for you all to know is that we are doing well.
Austin starts Kindergarten next week and although I find myself reflecting on this milestone in our lives, I have very little time to sit and write about it... until this moment, which is where I will begin. I just finished a final exam for a class that made me question higher education all together. It was a class that I took "face-to-face" and made me really resent the fact that at the age of 30-something, I still have yet to finish my undergraduate studies. I will spare you all the details, as I find it would just sound like whiny jabber... but I will tell you this, I have lots of first hand experience to write my final paper on why education has been stripped of creativity... which leads me into Austin starting school.
So my little boy, my baby, the very first reason why this blog was started will be entering full day kindergarten next week. I know I am his mama, and I know mamas can be biased, but I know my boy is bright and incredibly creative. He starts each day on his own foot and is amazing at creating his day... I am not sure if that makes sense to any of you, so if it doesn't imagine this: a day where all your thoughts, outlandish by public opinion or not, all your dreams and wishes come true. Austin asked me today what he was good at, what was his special talent.
Well my boy, from day one, since the very day you were born you had the ability to put a smile on any person's face. You have grown into a person who is good, no great, no exceptional at everything you love. You are beautiful (although you prefer "handsome" because you're sister and best friend Ava are the MOST beautiful in your book and they are girls) you are sincere and you know what is best for all. Austin Lee you are a caring soul who is on the constant look out for others and you enter each day with the most inspiring attitude any person would be envious over. You learn from others deeds and understand why some other's actions are bad without me ever having to explain.
You feel... thank God for that.
You LOVE your family, even the ones you have never met, and you adore your friends. You are kind to animals and listen to what they say as if you do not speak their language. You are never afraid to show your affection for me and Dad and your baby sister; she is your world.
My dear sweet boy, I don't want one ounce of you to change, but I want you to grow. I can only believe that you beginning your formal education will allow you to grow... more to be delivered soon...
Much love, Liz