The blogging rage has fizzled these days with the online craze shifting to Facebook. I found I was on Facebook so often, catching up mostly with my dad's side of the family that I had lost touch with over the past five years, that the sport of updating my status became a nauseating addiction.
So here I am, five days strong into Lent and no Facebook! Go me! I was discussing this silly and in many ways insignificant sacrifice to a fellow blogger, member of Facebook and very close friend of mine. She gave up random web surfing for Lent. We both agreed that without either of our online addictions we find ourselves stumped when on the web... where am I going with this all... not sure, but I know more blogging is in the future.
So the dog's going to get fat. I have this really terrible habit of tasting the kids food before I feed them anything and nibbling up what's left on their plates in addition to eating an enjoyable meal myself. As of Wednesday that stopped. I don't want to say that I am dieting, because Lord knows the grief I would get for just speaking that word, but I am making a concentrated effort to consume good foods, whole foods, foods my body needs. So Hannah might get fat from all the kiddie scraps. So far I haven't heard her complain.
I've been cranky because of this transition. Grrr...