These are possible a little more appropriate for the last post, though these were also taken just before Christmas, I believe it was actually Christmas Eve I took these. I just love that little red fleece vest on Taylor. Her memere picked it for her just before she was born. Oh how we love the being spoiled by our grandmothers :)
Austin has really grown to be such an incredible big brother, so much more than we could have ever asked him to be. Even though at times he can be a little rough, he loves his baby (who he often refers to as, my stinky little flower, beautiful girl, Evie girl (from her middle name) and even Lego bat-baby because he is Lego batman) and hugs and kisses her all the time. I told him once that he was going to teach her how to talk and ever since then, he coaches her with specific words. It started with mama and dada and he now asks her to say things like 'garbage truck' and 'pineapple'. Not sure if he really understands when I tell him that she's still too little for such big words. He still loves her, I just don't want him to set too high expectations for her :)
I have been very thankful for another trait Austin has taken a liking to lately. He LOVES! to be photographed. Oh, just typing it I get butterflies in my heart, it just sings to me. He's a natural model too, my little guy, I think he's all about making his girls happy these days.
Okay signing off for now. Enjoy the cutie pictures.
With love, Liz
Adorable :) Austin looks so much like my Chris in one of those pictures. I have always just loved the name Evie, it's one of my favorites.
I love the pictures Liz and I am so impressed that you share your computer.. ;)
I mean, the 2 cutest kids ever! Austin is clearly taking afte rhis Mama, he looks right at home at the laptop! Please tell me the tricks to get your 3 1/2 year old to look at the camera with the most adorable smile!! Hope to see those 2 very soon!
LOVE the b&w one of Austin - what a cutie!!
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