Hello everyone. Our little princess is 9 months today already. Not sure where the time has gone, but before our eyes and in a flash she has developed into the most wonderful little girl. About a month ago she began doing the worm as I like to call it, not really crawling, but holding a surfer-girl pose until she presses her arms onto the floor and catapults herself forward. It's a bit slower than crawling, so I am happy about that, I'm still able to keep up with her.
About three weeks ago she stopped eating, not completely, but she'd just eat a couple bites and then she was done. She wants nothing to do with baby food anymore and has put in several requests for things like fillet minion and sushi ;) We've began giving her table foods, like soft vegetables, breads, blueberries, bananas, mashed potatoes, pasta etc. She's taken to all the big girl food very well and even enjoys feeding herself.
The kids and I just returned from a long weekend in East Hampton visiting Grammy and Pop-pop. While we were there, Pop-pop worked with her learning to walk and I think she's just about got it. I'll give it another month and she'll be off on her own. She's very steady on her feet, very graceful.
Well here are a few pictures of her taken before Christmas. Have a ton more to post, from our trip and just having fun around the house. I hope you will enjoy these for now. I took them of her enjoying a teething biscuit, still no teeth though.
With love, Liz
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