Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We are here

Just a quick post with a few pictures to let you all know we are here. I've been keeping busy with my business and the little ones. We have had a lot of sick this summer, but I am confidant that we won't be dealing with any more of that for a while. A little sad myself because I lost a ton of pictures I had taken while we were in Maine. So many memories that we'll just have to keep in our noggins :) I hope you are all well and I look forward to posting more soon!

Oh!!!!! I almost forgot. HUGE news. Taylor is WALKING!!! Like crazy! Has been for a few weeks now, but ahem... we've been chasing one another around! Will post video quite soon.

With love, Liz

1 comment:

Sam said...

Liz, your two are such beauties!!! Oh my goodness, I can't believe Taylor is walking, that is awesome! :) Miss you guys lots, we found out soon where we'll be going next and it sounds like our chances are good we'll be coming out that way, so hopefully we can get these kiddos together! :)