Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting his Kicks in

Chris and I couldn't be more proud at how well Austin did at his first soccer practice. Besides being one of several hundred kids on the playing fields and getting a purple shirt instead of his favorite color red, Austin did exceptionally well kicking the ball, stopping the ball, dribbling it down the field, he even made a couple of goals. There's nothing very serious or ... organized about the practice, but he's learning the basics and running around like crazy and man alive did he sleep well. Taylor did great as her brother's cheer leader. I don't think it'll take much to get her used to sitting on the sidelines, that is until she's old enough to play. Little sweetie ::

Just gotta love those little shin guards, the smallest they make and they're still a little big on him. The soccer balls the team practices with are too much, I've seen grapefruits bigger. Well it's started, not sure if I'll take the title of soccer mom quite yet...we'll see if he can get past wearing purple again next week. All in all we're really excited with Austin's not so organized first experience with team sports.

By the way, thank you so much for all your well wishes on a quick recovery from the surgery. I managed to loose all but 3 lbs of my baby weight. Chris says there are better ways to loose weight and I'll have to agree with him on that :o) Miss Erin asked if I had a tummy tuck, not an appendectomy.... I wish that was the case and thank you for the compliment but really I was sucking the gut in :o)

Have been working a ton so sorry for the lack of blog updates. Will try to be better about posting. Would love to hear from you all.


jltomasovic said...

I cannot believe you had your appendics out. How crazy! Thank God it happened while Chris was there and not in Peru. It is amazing how timing is everything. Take care. Love, Jen

Bengela said...

Glad to hear you're doing better--I can't imagine the pain you must've been in! Congrats on the "Soccer Mom" title :)


The Pinchy Crab said...

Hi fellow soccer mom :) Austin looks such the part - shin guards, soccer shorts. Could not be cuter!

momto2boys said...

Soccer!! How fun!! I have a very sad Evan because he is too young for any sports here... :( He is bummed... At least we can get him so me ice skating lessons.

Austin looks great and such a big boy... and I bet baby sis will be his biggest fan!

Post when you can.. I love the posts!! :)

Email me your address when you get a chance I don't think I have it and I would like to send you guys a Christmas card this year.. :)

theotherlion said...

He is so cute I want to EAT him! How do you keep your lips off those cheeks? And congrats on losing the weight, though I must say from experience that losing it from illness is about the most exhausting way!