Friday, January 16, 2009

Making up for lost time

Austin's elf, Ned, arrived at our house the Monday after Thanksgiving. Ned was a very naughty elf this year, sneaky too. Always left presents in the advent tree and special snacks for Austin after school. This is a monster cookie Ned made for Austin while he was at school one afternoon. The rotten little Ned left my kitchen a disaster ;)

Chris has taken a job with the Connecticut Air National Guard, so we've been spending a little more time with the Martin clan. Austin loves! that it snows there pretty much every time we visit. He had a great time sledding with his cousins and cannot wait to hit the ski slopes again with them.

Taylor watching the snow drift down outside through the back door.

There's B looking so cool and like such a big boy these days. He had a blast sledding too, just didn't make the last shot I posted of the boys.

We took the kids to see Santa at our mall on a Saturday.... yeah not the smartest thing we've ever done, however we couldn't be more proud of how well they did standing in line waiting for oh... 45 minutes. Austin is the perfect little gentleman too. Thanked Santa for all the gifts he brings the kids and remembered his pleases and thank yous. He even thought to tell Santa what his baby sister wanted this year. I just know he can read her mind, my brother swears he could read mine when we were their ages.

Look at those two, unbelievable how they smile for the camera. You'd think their mom was a photographer or something.

I've been away from the blog so much lately, I look at pictures I still have yet to post of Taylor and cannot believe how much she's grown, how little she seems in pictures taken just at the beginning of December. Little muffin girl...

Well I have so, so many photos to post and so little time. So here are a few of my favorites from the very first week of December.

Hope you are all doing well, staying warm and allowing the cold to warm your hearts right now. More to come on what we're up to, maybe tonight, possibly tomorrow, no promises, just hopes :)

xo L


Erin said...

LOVE seeing updated photos for the kids...That Aussie is just so wide eyed and older looking, such a little man! And the little lady is getting so big, the bright big eyes are to die for! Just wait till she sees what her Mama and her Mamas friend creates for her :) :) :)

momto2boys said...

Love your pics!!! Ned is quite the elf!