Saturday, February 19, 2011

End of the First Week

While this place often looks like a Martian landscape, there are some strangely scenic things to look at. For one, we do have amazing sunrises and sunsets every single day. I caught this one last night as I was walking to the gym. This fence used to be the perimeter of the base, but isn't any longer. Pretty imposing though.

The dorms that are occupied by those here for 6 months or more

The "Yellow Brick Road" connecting the 2 residential areas of the base

A typical Qatari lawn

Qatari shrubbery


Karen said...

Hey....that's my kind of landscape! No fuss, no muss. Love you!

Chris said...

I don't know Karen. I could use to see a little green. Everything is brown...the ground, the buildings, even our uniforms.